Flathub Passes 2 Billion Downloads

Flathub achieved a major milestone, passing 2 billion downloads of Linux apps since March 2018....
Flathub Passes 2 Billion Downloads
Written by Matt Milano
  • Flathub achieved a major milestone, passing 2 billion downloads of Linux apps since March 2018.

    Flathub is the main repository for Flatpak apps, the popular, containerized apps that work across virtually all Linux distros. According to the Flathub Statistics page, there have been roughly 2,006,950,000 downloads, as of the time of writing.

    The data shows that, while the single month download peak belongs to March 2023, the overall trend has been one of strong upward growth since early 2021. The most popular category of apps is Utilities, followed by Games.

    Flatpak has been called ‘the future of Linux app distribution,’ and the platform certainly has the downloads to support the claim.

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